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Excellent21,155 reviews on

NordicTrack Treadmills

NordicTrack is the flagship brand of the global fitness giant Icon Health & Fitness and their running machines are known for their quality, innovative technology and interactive training features. Icon is the world’s largest fitness equipment manufacturer, and it’s not that for no reason. They have a track record in producing high-quality fitness machines and are a tried and trusted company: you know what you’re getting when you purchase a NordicTrack machine.


NordicTrack treadmills tend to offer some of the best specifications at every price point. Compare treadmills from different brands in the same price bracket and the NordicTrack machine will usually have a motor with more power, a larger running deck and a better range of workout programmes than its direct competitors.

What’s more, there are usually added extras too, such as cooling fans, speakers and interactive training options when compared to other manufacturers. Whilst these things aren’t essential, they are another inditcation that you get more for your money when opting for a NordicTrack running machine. They are reliably built, as you would expect, with the more expensive machines in their range offering features that are particularly hard to find on other models such as treadmills with a decline function as well an incline and large touch-screen control panels that playback HD training videos led by personal trainers, amongst much else.


Another fantastic aspect of NordicTrack treadmills is iFit compatibility. Whilst a number of other brands do have similar features, the iFit interactive training service is an all-encompassing fitness hub that will really help you get more out of your treadmill and take your enjoyment up a level. Google Maps™ functionality lets you run on routes around the globe. Download a fitness course designed by real personal trainers that can be specifically tailored to you for a personalised and effective fitness experience every time you go for a run. Enjoy additional programmes, user profiles and loads of other top features with this unique piece of technology.


Plus, all NordicTrack treadmills carry a lifetime warranty on the frame, a 10-year warranty on the motor and 2 years onsite cover for parts & labour (subject to registering the machine within 28 days of purchase). This gives you real peace of mind when buying a NordicTrack running machine.